Software Projects

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Available Projects

The world is full of HTML pages and there's a good chance that, at some time, your software project will need to read and process these documents. Perhaps NekoHTML can help! And, depending on what you need to do, there may already be a solution to your problem. This page lists a number of projects that use the NekoHTML parser.

Here are some software projects you may find useful, presented in alphabetical order:
Celware WebRecorder Celware WebRecorder rapidly and easily exposes information on existing Web sites to other IT systems via a programmatic service, using the same interface as a standard Web browser. If you can see the information on the Web, Celware WebRecorder can learn by example and create a service to include that information in your IT environment—without making any changes to the Web server!
CVSGrab CVSGrab allows you to checkout files from a public CVS repository even if you are behind a corporate firewall that blocks access to the pserver. It provides read-only access to public CVS repositories through the ViewCVS web interface.
Egothor Egothor is an open source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It can be configured as a standalone engine, metasearcher, peer-to-peer HUB, and, moreover, it can be used as a library for an application that needs full-text search.
HtmlUnit HtmlUnit is a java unit testing framework for testing web based applications. HtmlUnit models the returned document so that you deal with pages and form and tables.
HttpUnit HttpUnit is a free, open source Java API for accessing web sites without a browser, and is ideally suited for automated unit testing of web sites when combined with a Java unit test framework such as JUnit.
Jakarta Jelly Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine for turning XML into executable code. Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant such as in the Maven project, as a testing framework such as JellyUnit, in an intergration or workflow system such as werkflow or as a page templating system inside engines like Cocoon.
Jivan Jivan is a new Java web presentation technology that aids in the programming of dynamic web pages by separating program code from presentation layout. It enables you to use the W3C DOM API to push content into your HTML template. By directly copying unchanged sections of the source documents during page serialization, Jivan provides great performance to the web developer.
jWebUnit jWebUnit is a Java framework that facilitates creation of acceptance tests for web applications. It provides a high-level API for navigating a web application combined with a set of assertions to verify the application's correctness. This includes navigation via links, form entry and submission, validation of table contents, and other typical business web application features.
LingPipe LingPipe is a suite of Java tools designed to perform linguistic analysis on natural language data. While fast and robust enough to be used in a commercial system, LingPipe's flexibility and included source make it appropriate for research use. Tools include a statistical named-entity detector, a heuristic sentence boundary detector, and a heuristic within-document coreference resolution engine. Named entity extraction models are included for English news and English genomics domains, and can be trained for other languages and genres.
Mockrunner Mockrunner is a lightweight framework for unit testing applications in the J2EE environment. It supports Struts actions and forms, servlets, filters and tag classes. Furthermore it includes a JDBC and a JMS test framework. The JDBC test framework can be used standalone or in conjunction with MockEJB to test EJB based applications.
Pasta Pastaは、ウェブ開発のためのフレームワークです。 このフレームワークは主に、独自のテンプレート言語「CLS」と、バックグラウンド (リレーショナルデータベースなど) とテンプレート言語を接続するための「メッセージキュー」から構成されています。 ...
Note: The documentation for Pasta is only available in Japanese at this time.
X-Smiles X-Smiles is a Java based XML browser. It is intended for both desktop use and embedded network devices and to support multimedia services.

Note: The author of NekoHTML does not officially endorse, recommend, or support any of the above software — they are merely presented for the benefit of the user. All questions and comments should be directed to the respective project owners. Mail sent to the author of NekoHTML regarding these projects will be ignored.

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